Sunday, November 28, 2010

Group 5

Watching TV with Mum
What did Philip tell his mother?

Why do you think Philip didn’t react to the news the wedding being pushed up early? (pg 242)

The Ticking Days
What was Philip’s father trying to convince him to do?

What did Philip lie to his mother about?

The Drips and the Drops and the Windsor Knot

“Nan hates him and Uncle Alan hates Nan but human beings always hate each other and pretend they don’t. That is what being a human being is about” (pg. 250). Why do you think Philip says this?

What does Philip see floating in the air? Why do you think he sees this? What do you think this means?


  1. Watching TV with Mum
    1. Philip tells his mother not to marry Uncle Alan.
    2. Philip and his mom wasn't going to change Uncle Alan's mind, plus he was tired.

    The Ticking Days
    1.Philip's father was trying to convince him to kill Uncle Alan.
    2. He lied about taking the pill.

    The Drips and the Drops and the Windsor Knot
    1. Philip thinks this because hatred is part of human nature and to not hate another person would be, in his opinion, going against humanity.
    2. Philip sees the fish Gertie floating in the air. The fish is dead so to see a dead fish means that he is delusional. But he also sees his father in the same way he sees the fish. So the fish's appearance can be assumed to be symbolic just like his dead father.

  2. ^^^^^^^^^^^Nautica G., Brianna C., Kennethea Wilson
