Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Eyre Affair Stories

Stories are due at the end of class...Get them finished or in good Work In Progress condition

Also, work on RPO Project poems--NORWAY, VIENNA, ROCHESTER

Test on Eyre Affair on Thursday!!!!!  Be prepared...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Hours by Michael Cunningham

Visit Michael Cunningham's website:


Watch interview:

For more on Virginia Woolf:

On Mrs. Dalloway:

Wednesday, 5/18 Study guide

Please complete study guide for credit.  Work on your story or script project for this book.

Finish The Eyre Affair for Tues. next week  .We will be finishing up the year with Michael Cunningham's The Hours.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eyre Affair

Quiz #2 Eyre Affair
HMWK: Read to pg. 141 for Friday

END OF MARKING PERIOD:  Make sure Ms. Gamzon has your Animal Dreams story!
  Many of you need to finish these stories today...

For those of you moving on to the next assignment:

Eyre Affair
Create a story or script dealing with an alternative reality.


Write a sequel story or script for a character or characters who are well known in fiction or mythology.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Literary and Historical Allusions in The Eyre Affair

HMWK: Read to pg. 105 for Wednesday

The Eyre Affair is filled with literary and historical allusions that make the reading more enjoyable  thanks to the way Fforde plays with them.

Look up the following references:

Crimean War
Gad's Hill
Martin Chuzzlewit
Mill on the Floss
Acheron Hades
Henry Fielding
Toad (toady) news

What elements in the Eyre Affair so far characterize it as a mystery/detective novel?

Detective novels:

Seven characteristics of modern mystery novels:


Thursday Next - This main character is a literary detective who returns to Swindon to continue an investigation, and is the narrator of the story.
Acheron Hades - This character is using an invention to kill fictional characters.
Aunt Polly and Uncle Mycroft - These characters, related to the main character, are a scientist and his assistant.
Mom and Dad Next - These characters, related to the main character, are a rogue member of the Chronoguard and his wife.
Landen Parke-Laine - This character, a novelist, was friends with the main character's brother when they were both in the Army.
Jack Schitt - This Goliath Corporation employee wants to use the Prose Portal to develop weapons for the Crimean War.
Victor Analogy - This character is the head of Swindon's LiteraTec department.
Spike - This character is the only member of Swindon's SO-27, hunting down vampires, werewolves, and other creatures.
Fillip Tamworth and Filbert Snood - These characters go on a stakeout with the main character. One of them was aged in a Chronoguard accident.
Jane Eyre and Mr. Edward Rochester - These characters are from a book within the book, and their story must be rescued by the main character.

Object Descriptions

This section provides a short description of all the major objects in the book. This can be printed out as a study guide for students, used as a "key" for leading a class discussion, or you can jump to the quiz/homework section to find worksheets that incorporate these descriptions into a variety of question formats.
Bookworms - These inventions by Mycroft feed on words and expel synonyms.
Prose Portal - This invention by Mycroft is stolen by Acheron Hades.
Plasma Rifle - This invention does not work in the real world.
356 Speedster - This is bought by Thursday after she sees herself with it, and it is brightly painted.
LiteraTec - This is the specific division Thursday works for.
ChronoGuard - This is the specific division Thursday's father worked for, and is now being hunted by.
SO-5 - The sole purpose of this highly secretive division is to hunt Acheron Hades.
SpecOps - This is a special police force in England, divided into departments.
Goliath Corporation - This company helped rebuild England. They provide everything people need, so their motto is "From cradle to coffin."
Martin Chuzzlewit - A minor character from this novel is found murdered in the streets of London.
Jane Eyre - This novel was published under the pseudonym Currer Bell, and was stolen by Acheron Hades.
Haworth House - This museum was the location of a strange episode during which Thursday Next met Edward Rochester for the first time.
Thornfield - This is Edward Rochester's estate.
Crimean War - This has been going on for 130 years.
Millcote - This is the small town where Jane Eyre lived and fell in love with Edward Rochester.
Swindon - This is Thursday's hometown.