Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11/18/10- Final Assessment Criteria, Study Guide

Today you will have a quiz on what we have read so far from The Dead Father's Club.

Final Assessment Criteria for Dead Father’s Club

Choose ONE of the following options:

Create a Cartoon: Using either comic life or, create a cartoon based off the book The Dead Father’s Club. Choose a scene or scenes that you think are significant in some way. Provide a 2-3 page analysis to go along with your cartoon. Here are some key questions for your analysis. REMEMBER you are not limited to just the following questions, they are just meant to get you started thinking of your analysis.

• Why did you choose the scene?

• Why did you want the characters to look a certain way?

• What is the scene significant to the book?
• What does the scene tell us about the character?

Write a Modern Shakespeare Story: Choose a Shakespeare story to re-write in a modern way. You do not have to choose Hamlet like Matt Haig did for The Dead Father’s Club. You can choose ANY Shakespeare story to re-write. The short story should be a minimum of 5 pages.

I will continue to post the study guide questions so you are able to review from them. We will not be answering them in groups today. You can answer them on your own time to stay caught up on the study guide for your test.

The Hungry School

What was Uncle Alan’s way of saying he was the new King of the Castle?

What was Uncle Alan talking to Philip about in the car ride to school?

100 Miles

What did Philip ask Leah to do? What was her answer?


Philip begins the chapter by talking about two different types of schools. What are the two schools and who went to each?

Who was chosen last for Rugby teams? What was Philip’s reasoning behind it?

“It’s like how in War soldiers are told to kill other men and then they are Heroes but if they killed the same men when they were not in War they are Murderers. But they are still killing the same men who have the same dreams and who chew the same food and hum the same songs when they are happy but if it is called War it is all right because that is the rules of War” (pg. 113)

Why does Philip think Mr. Rosen isn’t angry about stealing the mini bus anymore?

Halloween and the Ra Ra Ghosts and Sleepy Eye Terry

What did Gary and Ross dress up as for Halloween?

What happened after Ross and Gary put the stink bomb in the house?

Who chased Philip? What happened when he was caught?


What did Uncle Alan buy Philip?

Why did Philip like the game he and Alan played?

Philip began making a list of ways to kill Uncle Alan. What was on Philip’s list? (HINT pg. 126)

What did Mr. Fairview come over and get from Uncle Alan?

Saturday in Boots

What was the reason Philip gave for loving Leah? (HINT pg. 134)

What did Leah convince Philip to do?

The Golden House

What did Uncle Alan change in the pub?

What did Philip’s dad tell Philip about Uncle Alan and his men?

What did Uncle Alan announce in the pub?

What was Philip’s reaction to the announcement?

Dancing Queen

What does Uncle Alan convince Philip’s mother to do?

The Ghost Wind

Who does Philip’s father think is getting in the way of Philip killing Uncle Alan? What does Philip’s dad tell Philip to do about it?

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