Monday, November 15, 2010

Group 5

Group 5

The Good Shepherd

Describe the Fairview’s house?

Mr. Fairview is very religious; describe Leah’s views of religion

What happened to Leah’s mother?

What did Leah and Philip do in Leah’s room?

The Dog Noises

What did Philip mistake for dog noises?

What did Philip do to have ideas on how to kill Uncle Alan?

1 comment:

  1. The Good Shepherd
    1. His house doesn't resemble the Fairview's house. Mr. Fairview is suppose to be well off but instead his house has no TV and it's very old fashioned.
    2.Leah doesn't like God, in facts she says she "hates" God because he doesn't allow people to steal or do other bad things. This is very ironic because she was brought up in a religious house all her life.
    3.Leah's mom died of cancer.
    4.Leah and Philip smoked a cigarette while in Leah's room.
    The Dog Noises
    1. His mom and uncle Alan were having sex with one another and he thought they were dog noises.
    2.Philip was reading one of Mums book of murders when he thought of how he was going to kill Uncle Alan.

    Kennethea, Victoria, Nautica
