Monday, October 27, 2014

Thomas and Beulah Discussion Topics

  • Morning Reflection: Austin Hammond   Neil DeGrasse Tyson  "The Most Astounding Fact"
  • The use of color is prominent in Thomas and Beulah. Choose one color -- yellow, blue, white, black, or silver, most obviously -- and trace its progression in a series of poems. How does the significance and use of the color shift and evolve? Or, alternately, how does it help to ground our understanding of Thomas, or Beulah, or their shared relationship?
  • Work and chores [labor] figure prominently throughout the poems in both sections; explore the role of labor in one or more poems from each section and how that defines Thomas and Beulah's lives, both apart from each other but also together.
  • Explore the themes of aging, illness, and/or death in one or more of any of the following poems: "The Stroke," "The Satisfaction Coal Company," "Thomas at the Wheel," "Recovery," "Nightmare," "Wingfoot Lake," "Company," "The Oriental Ballerina."
  • Look at the first poem in each of the two sections -- "The Event" in "I. Mandolin" and "Taking in Wash" in "II. Canary in Bloom" -- and explore the ways in which they inform our understanding of some or all the poems that follow.
  • Look at the last poem in each section -- "Thomas at the Wheel" in "I. Mandolin" and "The Oriental Ballerina" in "II. Taking in Wash" -- and consider the ways in which that poem operates as a crucial capstone for the poems that precede it in that section. [capstone= the final stroke, crowning achievement, culmination, acme, high point]
  • Explore the importance of music in Thomas's life in one or more of the poems in the first section of the book, "I. Mandolin."
  • In what ways do Thomas and Beulah's notions of their gendered identities limit them? [Or perhaps, free them?]
  • Consider Dove's treatment of racism in the collection as a whole. How does racism impact upon Thomas and Beulah's lives, and how does this shift over time?
  • Look at two poems that are in different sections but that come into direct contact with one another ["Courtship" and "Courtship, Diligence" is one example]. How do the two poems build upon and/or contradict each other? When read together, side by side, how do they change our understanding of each figure [Thomas and Beulah]?
  • Despire their more obvious differences, what connections do we see in the ways that Thomas and Beulah view their roles as parents, and why are these difference significant, in your opinion?
  • Consider the poems in the second section that look at Beulah's life in the 6 years between Thomas's death and her own. How would you characterize Beulah in this period?


  1. This video is very well done, and has a lot of personal significance to me. I find it amazing just how great of a speaker and thinker Neil Degrasse Tyson is. Its so interesting just how much he give for the simple question he asks. Tyson is one of my role models and he has greatly influenced my life.

  2. Austin's morning reflection about the universe was kind of amazing and thought provoking. Usually when I think about the universe, I get sad; it's strange I know. But it's just so big. Even the oceans on the Earth will connect at some point, but the fact that the universe will never end and all of us will is wild. I don't know if I should take comfort in that or be afraid of it.

  3. The morning reflection was interesting because it helps you realize what a small factor you are in the universe but how still very relevant you are. As big as this universe is, we happen to be close and more apart of it than we'll ever think.

  4. I think that this morning reflection was amazing. This video was so positive , such a great way to start my morning. It made me think about exploring new topics and broadening my imagination.

  5. Austin's morning reflection was very unique. Whenever I think about space and the solar system I get so intrigued because it's such an abstract topic and everyone interprets it differently. When I wrap my mind around the fact that I'm really just a miniscule object out of this entire world, I start to think about how huge the universe really is. I love morning reflections like this because they really do make me think and often make me look at things in a different perspective.

  6. The video shown for the morning reflection really drew me in and provoked so much thought about outer space and atoms, so much so that I got lost in my own thoughts. The universe is so complex and infinitely beautiful. I think that the fact that we are made up of the same atoms as the cosmos and everything around us for that matter, is indescribably comforting and alluring.

  7. The universe is truly amazing, so much that I am at a lost for words. Everything means so much to everything in this universe. Everything so dependent but everything so self reliant, it is amazing to watch. It always leaves me with the question: who could have thought of that? Something so big and beautiful and complex who and what could have imagined something so magnificent.

  8. This video was really insightful in both a knowledgeable and emotional way. Neil Degrasse Tyson does an excellent job as a narration, especially in the tone of his speech. He speaks with an air of awareness and matter-of-fact emphasis, combined with the connectivity of scientific fact. That, I believe, is what helps to make the video so useful in pertaining to a wide range of audiences. The feeling of everything and everybody being so clearly distinct and diverse, yet so closely connected is one that is very effectively evoked. The visuals were also incredible, as they can leave an individual awestruck with the vastness of space and its heavenly bodies. I feel that helps make the video's message all the more effective.

  9. This video was really well made. Neil deGrasse Tyson's thoughts on the universe and humankind's connection to this massive world we live and the music and images we see and hear in the background mixed together surprisingly well. I often wonder what is beyond our small section of space, and I can only believe what I have been taught about it. This video, however, makes me question all of these things and makes me want to learn more about our universe. Neil deGrasse Tyson's thought that the universe is in all of us is really interesting and I think that it is very true. It was a very thought provoking video.

  10. the fact that all of our atoms came from one universe, our universe, is just a reminder that we are not all as different as some people think. sure we each have our own personalities, things we like and dislike; our hair eyes and skin vary. however on a molecular level, we are all comprised of atoms containing nuclei. we all use white blood cells to counter sickness and we all crave companionship.
