Friday, October 17, 2014




FINISH STUDY GUIDE for Part II Bloodsucking Fiends

FINISH FLASH FICTION project for Bloodsucking Fiends

HMWK: For Tuesday, FINISH reading Part III Hunters, Bloodsucking Fiends


  1. This is interesting, the child followed the directions; however, I think he realized what he was doing and was just giving the teacher a hard time. This is the kind of thing I would do. Mainly because I love to argue and i find it super entertaining to frustrate people.

  2. The difference between an autistic kid and a non autistic kid is that our minds work differently and they follow directions literally then other kids follow directions as second nature

  3. I would give the student an A because technically he followed the directions. He wrote the letters in alphabetical order. I think that it is interesting how the autistic kid interpreted the directions. It is different from the way that we are taught, but it is not completely wrong.

  4. The morning reflection was really interesting. I think it is important to understand that not everyone sees the world in the same way, not just because of autism or other challenges but because of our differing backgrounds and experiences as human beings.

  5. This was actually really cool that this was shown for morning reflection. My cousin is a first grade teacher and she recently experienced the same thing. She instructed her students to write words alphabetically and one of her students put the letters of the words in order. I think this is actually brilliant as it goes above and beyond the question asked. I think education should cater to the needs of all minds because not everyone thinks or learns the same way. There is a cartoon picture on the internet of students sitting at desks and a teacher is walking around the room with a pair of scissors in hand, cutting their thought bubbles from different shapes into squares. This image really speaks levels about the education system.

  6. I don't think that the boy made us look silly more than he just showed how he communicates with the world. The boy made sense of the the task, we are taught to make sense of the task, we learn how to to do that by ourselves.

  7. I really dont care about this kid. I know i sound like a dick, but i rather be honest. I commend the kid for actually following directions, but is that really impressive. Even though the boys autistic he has a brain! not that amusing that hes just more literal and creative while taking directions.

  8. This second grader really made me think about the difference of perspectives. Its well known, especially within the educational department, that people often vary in the conditions they have that make them view their work and environment differently. Some have text anxiety, some are dyslectic, and some have low enough self-esteem that they are unable to try and succeed in their work. This morning reflection made me realize just how different these individual perspectives are. Its not a simple disability, but rather a way of thinking 'out-of-the-box'. Its truly magnificent just how these ways of thinking can open the world around us, to discover pathways that we may have never before considered, despite them being in front of our faces for so long.

  9. This morning reflection was very unique. It made me notice how people have a different outlook on things especially when it comes to school and test questions. Some people interpret things differently than others and I believe that all should be excepted if they're somewhat right. It made me see how education isn't the same for everyone so therefore tests are biased in a way, and when we're told that we're wrong in our minds we could be right

  10. This mornings reflection made me think, which is different from the other morning reflection so far. The fact that people with autism and other special needs think differently from other people is amazing. I have met many autistic people and they are always very intelligent. The common misconception that people with autism or other special needs are unintelligent is ridiculous, which is proven by this morning reflection.

  11. At first I really didn't understand what was being done in the picture. But then when I really looked at it I found it to be rather interesting. The second grader challenged me to think outside of the box. I would've never thought to write it like that, and that is actually clever. Everyone has a different way of thinking and I think that that should be acceptable to society,
