Wednesday, September 11, 2019

MUDBOUND/Historical Fiction


1. Morning Reflection:
Wesley Bruce

2.Historical Context:

African-American Soldiers in World War II

3. View opening of Mudbound on Netflix


  1. I liked the video today because it gave a answer that know one has heard before. Usually they would give us a answer like "You'll need it in the future" but this video opened my eyes and i felt what he was saying and i didn't feel alone in my opinion of school because he felt the same way about school as i did

  2. I liked the part of the video i seen, what he was saying was kind of like an eye opener, it really made you thinking about what he asked, what are you getting prepared for. I could relate to him and how he felt about school, I understood where he was coming from.

  3. I think the video brought out a lot of things that were in fact a fact but people don't really think about.During the video he basically said that we are in school for 16 years and we still don't use most of the stuff we learn in school in the real world which is one hundred percent true but at the same time the things that should matter don't really matter.

  4. The video that Wesley shared today was the way a lot of people felt about school. Like how does something, like a piece of paper at that guide what you can do in your life. Yes, school can teach you things about history and math you'll never need but what exactly do they teach about real life. And as a senior I can say that for the career and college I hope to get into I will not use a lot of the stuff I was taught in school. I will be like learning something completely new but in college it is better because you can make a career out of the things you learn.

  5. I really liked the "What is School For?" spoken word, it pointed out facts and flaws in the teaching system and what the education needs to do for its children to be successful in life. It made me feel better about myself because I'm constantly stressed about a test and knowing it's not gonna help me in life is kind of a relief. I think more teachers and students should watch this video and think about what we should be teaching our students. I agree, we spend more time on pointless topics when we should be learning things like how to invest, time management, etc.

  6. What is School For? I have already watched this video before but watching it again in the beginning of the school year, I can really relate to the video a lot. Now I don't agree with all the points Price Ea made, such as him listing the key figures in History who dropped out of school. But I did agree with most of the points made in the video. I think it opens an eye for schools and show them what the students are actually going through. This video really made me question school and quite frankly, what is school for?

  7. the video was very moving it got me on the edge of my seat. the video made me think what was school actually for as he repeated it multiple times. it was a very opening video and I enjoyed watching every second

  8. Wesley's morning reflection video about school was a good video to have for thinking about what's wrong with the education system. In the form of poetry, it is entertaining for people to listen to but also informative and had points that every educator should hear. The topics brought up in the video such as tests and scores being more important than self care are very valid and should be the topic of discussion more often for students and educators. There are many aspects that go into getting a good education and one of them should be being able to manage and balance responsibilities of being a student instead of getting work thrown at us until it piles up into an unmanageable task.

  9. The video was different. Prince Ea did address counter-arguments in regard to his examples of school dropouts, making his argument stronger. Being on a social media platform, it's clear that he has an audience of students and/or kids in mind. That being said, I still think it's very easy for a child to watch this and then do worse in school or want to leave.

  10. The video was interesting because it made me think about what school was for. I already knew that you can be successful with out school but they way that he talked about it was different. I also liked when he said that there is a difference between being smart and getting high scores. You can be smart but not score well because you are not good at taking tests.

  11. I think he makes many good points, especially about the amount of work Being a student is incredibly overwhelming. It is really hard to take care of our mental health when we are running on very little sleep and under a lot of pressure to succeed. I also agree that a lot of what we learn is in order to pass a test, not to encourage us to follow something we are passionate about or explore something interesting. This prevents us from being creative and makes people shut down. However, I think that some of facts we learn at school are worthwhile. School teaches us how to learn. Even if we won't use the knowledge, a good teacher shows us how to think.

  12. After watching the video, I have mixed feelings. I agree with a lot of what he said, about how schools rely on scores too much and how school should bring out the best in students. I disagree that some subjects/information is useless to a certain extent. I believe that if no one had to learn algebra or science then some students wouldn't figure out that they really enjoy doing that. However, the focus should be exploring career and subjects, not getting really good at all the subjects at once. I really liked the format of the video and thought it was very engaging, but some lines in the spoken word itself were there just to get people mad about small things like the whole bathroom pass rant. I think that he caters to a younger audience who hate school and by saying those little complaints it validates their feelings. But if he really wanted the teachers to listen, I think he would have to really focus on his idea of education versus self care in his speech.

  13. I liked the video because he gave a really good message of how test scores don't define you as a person. the way you handle life, stress and how you mold your future is what matters most. I also like how he shines a light on how we don't even get taught about paying bills and taxes but instead teach us about different rocks and random equations. basically saying that the things that are taught currently likely won't matter in the future.

  14. I enjoyed the video because it was interesting. It was basically about school not being that important and I agree. A lot of points the video made I can relate to like how he said his mom would ask what he learned about in school and he wouldn't be able to tell her because he don't remember anything. The video made me think about what school was made for. School does not prepare you for a lot of things your gonna run into in life.
