Friday, September 13, 2019

Historical Fiction and Mudbound


1. Morning Reflection:

2. Show opening of Mudbound movie

3. Getting Started With Historical Fiction:

4. Use to store images and information links

5. How to Write Historical Fiction

How to Write Historical Fiction
By an eHow Contributor

Write Historical Fiction
You have a great idea for a story, but it's set in the Civil War, or perhaps during the Renaissance. The result is a work of historical fiction. Historical fiction mixes fact with fiction to make an historical event, person or place more interesting to readers. It takes research and patience to write historical fiction, but once you have the facts straight, let your imagination soar.

Read more: How to Write Historical Fiction |

1. 1
Pick a topic. Choose an historical event, person or place, or perhaps all three, that you wish to write about. Create your story line around that topic.
2. 2
Conduct research into the historical elements of your story. Go to your local library or search online. Make note of language, style of dress, types of transportation and other details about the time period or era.
3. 3
Read other works of historical fiction. See what's been done before, and how. Don't plagiarize, but get a sense of how historical fiction is written.
4. 4
Create an outline of your story while doing your research. Form the story in your mind, create characters and scenes, but hold off on writing until you are as familiar with the time era in which the story takes place as you can possibly be.
5. 5
Write your story. Merge fact and fiction. Bring emotion to the factual aspects of the history depicted in the story. However, never lose the importance of the facts. Use just enough information to stress the historical time period, but let the characters and story rule

Read more: How to Write Historical Fiction |

HMWK: Read to pg. 70 in Mudbound


  1. While I was watching this video it made me realize that people from other countries don't really get as much attention and there always getting bullied for how they dress or how they speak and when he was explaining it made me open my eyes and realize that they have feelings too and they wear what they wear for a reason and we shouldn't judge them for it.

    1. Yes! Step into another person's shoes to learn about their culture and feelings.

  2. the video gave me a different outlook on people from other countries and how different it is compared to america and how they feel about their land and government and even down to how they let the animals roam free without bothering the wildlife with poaching.

    1. Yes! A new outlook about others. hopefully they are not the "other" but are just like you--another human who cares about their world.

  3. Degraj's morning reflection video was so good and was even more interesting because it was apart of his culture and he could possibly connect with the video. The video showcasing Bhutan's intense devotion and desire to benefit this planet was very interesting. Climate change is a fast moving problem and all the benefits Bhutan had toward their country was really cool and should set an example for other countries. The actions Bhutan took to keep their country clean should be seen around the world as a way we could possibly make our country better. It was a very interesting video good job degraj !!!!!!!!

    1. Sharing culture is a big plus this year! There is so much we do not know about our so-called "others". Let's stop being afraid of others and learn!

  4. As I watched this video I have found that there are countries in the world with much less resources, that are able to put up a fight/contend with a struggle so big as Global Warming. I have also seen, something I have never seen such a unique style of government mixing monarchy and democracy, when throughout most of history they couldn't be too opposed. So in all Bhutan has big bright ideas that should be shared across the world ad recognized.

    1. Great reply. Agreed! an eye-opener about governments!

  5. The video that Degraj shared today in class for morning meeting was really eye opening to me. It opened my eyes because out of all the things I do talk about with Degraj I never did step back and ask him about his culture. And really listen to know what his been through and what it's like where he grew up. But after watching the video and being explained some of the great and beautiful things going on in Bhutan, I was amazed and wished that America would take some of the amazing things the other countries like Bhutan are going to make us go green and so much more we can take from them. As someone who didn't grow up in Rochester it is probably hard adjusting

    1. A sensitive and heartfelt reply. Thank you for caring about a fellow student and his culture. Good insights!

  6. i missed the beginning of the video, but from what all I seen it helped me understand that foreigners face the same difficulties in their life like Americans and it's not payed attention too. that we all are human and nobody should be judged.

    1. Yes. Our backgrounds, experiences and cultures are so much what we are!

  7. I thought the video was inspiring. It was nice to learn about another country and its culture, it was refreshing. I love how they care so much for Bhutan and the climate, it's good to know that there's people in this world like that. The video was interesting and I really liked the equity in Bhutan how everyone gets health care and education. Preserving the world and people's health and education is so important.

    1. Really good focus on values. What is important for all cultures?
      For all people on this planet? Do some protect us more than others?

  8. It was a dope video. I like learning about different cultures and it was unique one at that. he really stood up for what he was fighting for and i respect him for that good video.

    1. Good reply. What else would you like to learn from someone like Degraj?

  9. I did learn a lot more about Bhutan. A monarchy in which kings retire and can be impeached is a great idea, I wish there was more of that. Overall, the government in Bhutan does a lot of great things for their country. The speaker was effective and it did not feel like it was 18 minutes long.

  10. I find it insighting as to how he proposed that we imposed the Bhutan For Life throughout the world. It's an idea I've never heard before, and I think it's quite impressive as to Bhutan is trying to ensure the longevity of the planet. I wish for what's happening in Bhutan to come to America, because it's what we need if we want to improve our country and even combat climate change all together.

  11. It was really interesting to hear about Bhutan. I didn't know anything about their culture or people. I barely knew where it was. Their story is amazing, but it is also sad. It shows how big countries and people are ruining the world for the small guys who are trying effortlessly to save it.

  12. I didn't know how much Bhutan was a leader in global climate change. I think it was very cool how the speaker went from identity like the clothing to the government policies. I was very surprised at how good values and virtues lead the government which is not how America works. I wonder why anyone leaves.

  13. The reason why I chose this video is because of how my country is fighting climate changing. In the world we live in 2019, where climate change is a really big issue, how a small landlocked country is trying to fight global warming was really going to open a new eye, I thought. I also wanted to display my culture as well.

  14. I liked the video because the speaker was talking about the way that they dress and think about things and that interested me. I was also interested when I heard what they do to keep their country the way it is. Their country is a lot different from other countries and that was the best part about the video.

  15. The video was soo interesting. I always hear about the Himalayas, but never knew exactly what it was or why people say it. The men wear dresses its funny and cute because that's different. I learned a lot of new things and why Bhutan was different from other countries. I'd definitely visit.

    javants padlet


