Monday, September 23, 2019

Mudbound Story


Morning reflection:

Discuss with a partner and post as a duo comment.  Cite examples and page number.
4. The story is narrated by two farmers, two wives and mothers, and two soldiers. Compare and contrast the ways in which these parallel characters, black and white, view and experience the world.

5. What is the significance of the title? In what ways are each of the characters bound --- by the land, by circumstance, by tradition, by the law, by their own limitations? How much of this binding is inescapable and how much is self-imposed? Which characters are most successful in freeing themselves from what binds them?

Work on your stories.  First draft due on Friday.

Part of speech: adjective
Origin: Greek, 19th century

Relating to the name of something
Describing an item named after a subject in question
Examples of Eponymous in a sentence
"Her eponymous album was a hit, and now everyone knows her name."
"The biggest stars have names that draw wide audiences, which is why they get eponymous TV shows."


  1. It was good to see that someone is saying something, but words are meaningless. Until I see lots of tangible action, the words mean nothing in the face of climate change. It was a shocking amount of people.

  2. I hadn't known much about the protest until afterwards. It was great to see that people in my generation are willing to take action and advocate for change that will help benefit us all later on in life and rest of world. Their actions mean a lot to not only the ones who acknowledge that climate change is real, but also to those who remain ignorant about it being a reality.

  3. As I watched the protestors I was reminded of how powerful the "people" can be when they use their voice against injustice. Throughout history anytime the "people" rebel, change is bound to happen, and this may be one of the most oppressive and damaging forces yet, but If history and pattern have anything to say an equally or more powerful force of voice will oppose it.

  4. I picked this topic because it's important to know that there are high schoolers out there who really care about this issue and I find it inspiring. The amount of people who were at the marches was also just shocking and I wanted to share it.

  5. I thought the video was a good pick. I think the effect of climate change should be acknowledged more.

  6. She is definitely inspiring. It makes me wonder what I am doing to help the world. I wish that our school had done something. However, it is also uplifting to see so many young people committed to change.

  7. While I was watching this I never knew that people cared so much about climate change it makes me happy that that many people came out to support this it shows a lot for are world and community.

  8. I didn't know about it until i just seen the video and I think it's good people are bringing attention to injustice. and it was interesting because the youth are trying to make a change.

  9. The morning reflection was so good because it was bringing awareness to a serious issue that will effect everyone whether they like it or not. Climate change is very important and seeing the video made me wish I could go to the protest and join the movement.

  10. I knew nothing about the protest until today i feel like anybody can protest but i'm glad they keep trying to make a change because its people out here who really only talk about change and not do anything.

  11. Jonaya Wright

    I thought that the video that was shown for morning reflection was very inspiring because young people and paying attention to the problems of the world to try to make a change.

  12. Tali and Madison
    1. Both Hap and Henry have an attachment and a attraction to the idea of owning land. They also both take pride in being the heads of their households. While both Florence and Laura are housewives, Florence has to be stronger. Her husband seems to respect her strength while Laura's doesn't. Ronsel and Jamie both feel out of place moving back home after surviving the war. The both struggle with PTSD.
    2. Mudbound reflects how once the family owns land, they are bound to it. The harvest and profit become their sole purpose and goal. They become separated from the rest of civilizations. Laura says "The world was on the other side of that bridge, the world of light bulbs, paved roads, and shirts that stayed white" (Jordan 11).

  13. 4. Characters such as Hap and Henry, and Laura and Florence act as each other's foil when paralleling their lives. Hap's is more of a farmer while Henry is more of a farm manager that makes sure the rest of the tenants are doing their share. While Laura and Florence foil each other by one of them being a house wife (Laura) and the other being a farmer's wife (Florence). Ex: "Laura wouldn't have lasted a week in the fields..."(Jordan 78). While Ronsel and Jamie are similar in the way that they are both men of war who were away from their families for a long period of time.
    5. Since both the Jackson and McAllan family live on the same farm and work on the same farm, their lives are connected in a way that impact the other's life. If Hap's family don't do their job on the farm that makes it difficult for both the Jackson and McAllan family to get the money they need for their work on the farm. In a way, they are somewhat dependent on each other. Ex: "If Hap lost his leg, I'd never get Florence back."(Jordan 120)

    -A'layza and Vale

  14. I liked the video because the people wanted to make a change by protesting. It was also interesting because I did not know about it until I watched the video

  15. The 2 families are similar because when the white family goes into the black community they feel as if its not them or like its disgusting and when the blacks go to the white community they feel like its to perfect or that they didn't have to work for it The whites dont struggle they feel like they have all the power and they dont have to work as hard as the blacks and the blacks work for what they want! and need so the blacks view the world as hard and the whites think living is easy

  16. I see the Climate Strike protest as both a good and a bad thing. A good thing because it shows how much the "Gen Z" really cares about the planet and humanity as a whole. But it's a negative because the we are so close to the point of no return, and we have to GO OUT and protest just to get attention of some people.

  17. 5. What is the significance of the title? the title is an allegory. it reflects how the characters are bound to the land.
    In what ways are each of the characters bound --- by the land, by circumstance, by tradition, by the law, by their own limitations? the characters of the two families are opposite, one is black and one is white. they were different, but they are bound racially.

  18. The 2 families are similar because when the white family goes into the black community they feel as if its not them or like its disgusting and when the blacks go to the white community they feel like its to perfect or that they didn't have to work for it The whites dont struggle they feel like they have all the power and they dont have to work as hard as the blacks and the blacks work for what they want! and need so the blacks view the world as hard and the whites think living is easy Henry is a man who loves to complain about the black community but Laura seems to tries and makes the situation better even though she likes Henry brother john

  19. Degraj/Wesley
    4) One of the families portrayed within the story are the McAllans. Another family portrayed would be the Jacksons. Henry is the father/leader of the McAllan family and owner of the farm and land meanwhile Hap is the man of the Jackson residence, a tenant of Henry's. Jamie is the younger brother of Henry and the son of Pappy, he wanted to follow in his brothers footsteps and went into the war, but as a pilot. Ronsel is the son of Florence and Hap and he is part of the first black tank battalion. The contrast in the way these families experience the world is all in their race. Hap and the Jackson family re all black and have experienced ups and downs with the people who have owned the land based on their amount of racism. Although Hap wants land of his own. Henry has always had opportunities to have land. Him and his family are racist, they just are not hardcore, and attempt to be "fair" in the way they speak to people.
    5) The character, all of them, are “bound” to the farm. Florence and Hap are the “most” tied to the farm because that’s how they live and that’s their lifestyle; they HAVE to work to survive, to get the food on the table. An example of this is when Hap said, “I promised you I’d never ask you to do field work again.” (Page 113). He had to go back on his words… he needed to go back on his words and have his wife Florence work on the farm since Hap is injured. Laura and Henry are bound to the farm because they’re the owners of it. They put all of their money into the land and they have invested their lives into it. Laura is more so bound to the land because she wants her family to stay intact and she wants to support Henry even though she’s miserable. - Degraj/Wesley

  20. meaning Henry and Laura view situations differently
