Friday, September 25, 2015

Mudbound Stories


Morning Reflection:

WRITING: Work on stories. Due next Thurs. Oct. 1

HMWK:   Finish reading Mudbound for Tuesday book discussion


  1. That post was very informative on the effects of cyber bullying. I think now, cyber bullying is even more subtle. People still use TBH to talk trash about others, but now cyber bullying comes in the form of blocking others on social media, posting about parties people aren't invited too so people can see them and using people's names as an adjective for insulting and negativity. Cyber bullying now is a huge problem, because social media is so prevelent in every teenager's life. Our phones have become an addiction and can be easily and sometimes, unknown even to the user, weapons that we need to be aware of.

  2. I think that the video did a very interesting thing by creating a parallel between virus and cyber bullying. All in all I think the comparison worked out very well as many traits of one are common in the other. Cyber bullying is very recent development as it has only come about in the last decade and a half or so and I think that their needs to be a lot more education on how to prevent it.

  3. The video that we watched in today's morning reflection was very inspiring, and allowed us to get a better look at the new type of bullying that has recently arisen. Cyber Bullying came with the inventions of the Twenty-first century, so we have to atone to just how powerful these devices are. I liked this video a lot because it was very poignant and could possibly save someone's life before they make a choice that they regret.

  4. Today's morning reflection about bullying was so eye opening! I enjoyed the metaphor that bullying was a virus because I felt it made the video more unique and relatable. Often times when people bully they do not know how large of an impact it has on the individual. This video shows that it only takes a little bit of courage to stop the virus that is hate and bullying. I believe this video should be shown to many elementary schools as well as high schools because that's where bullying, especially cyber bullying, is the most prevalent.

  5. Cyber bullying is a big problem in teen lives. The video refer it as an virus because it gets around quickly within minutes, hours, and days. I feel like a lot of kids shouldn't even be allowed online if they cant handle criticism. People are going to talk about you your whole life you cant try to beat yourself up about it. The people that do I do feel bad for nobody deserves to be treated poorly but the way society is today criticism and gossip is all over. We can prevent cyber bullying if everyone could learn to get along.

  6. This video makes you become aware of how what you put on social media can impact a person's life, even to the point of suicide, in the worst cases. It fills you with aspiration to help those going through the matter rather than just thinking about how it feels if you've never experienced it. Even watching makes you not to want to be the victim or the criminal. Even thoe the government keeps upgrading technology making it easier and easier to cyber bully. People become more dismal. And the only way to stop from being the one bullied is to be the one bullying which then causes a cycle of its own.

  7. I thought the morning reflection today was okay. The message was good because cyber bullying and depression are two major problems but the actual video was unrealistic. I don’t think kids actually comment like that on Facebook and gang on each other like the examples but I do know that there are kids who do get bullied and are very sensitive. I think the purpose of the video was more to show the effects it has on the victims which is good because it could help someone who bullies to realize and stop. It also is good for bystanders because it shows that standing up for someone can really make a difference and even cause someone to not take their life or harm themselves.

  8. I think that the cyber bullying virus video was a different but successful way to view bullying. To state it as a virus is pretty much giving people the belief and perspective that it isn't just bad its way worse than that its a virus something that you can spread. It makes the victims feel bad about themselves. I just really liked the approach of the cyber bullying problem that we deal with and it needs to be stopped because it does have a negative effect on everyone. It can actually lead to death, words actually do hurt people so you just have to really watch what you say to people.I think that the cyber bullying virus was a different but useful way to view bullying. To state as a virus is pretty much giving people the belief and perspective that it isn't just bad its way worse its a virus something that you can spread, something that you can spread to its victims to make them feel bad about themselves. I just really liked their approach to the cyber bullying problem that we deal with that needs to be stopped because it doesn't have a negative effect on everyone

  9. Cyber bullying is a horrible and cowardly thing to do .It affects everyone somehow- whether you are the victim of it or you read about it. People who do the bullying have their own problems too, and making someone feel bad makes them feel better which is sad. People need to start maturing and realize that hurting someone's feelings won't solve what's wrong with them on the inside. Cyber bullying is one of the most common types of bullying and although there are steps to reduce it, we can't really prevent it because it's the internet. Once you send something, it's there forever. Standing up to bullying, no matter what kind it is, will not only better the victim but inspire others to do the same.

  10. I thought that the video was interesting because it took a large influence on cyber bullying., I like how it was in relate to a virus. and how it said people got the virus. It was a metaphor for people who were angry and mean. I hate how cyber bully is a huge problem and parents or teachers cant really do anything about it.

  11. In today's morning reflection it showed how cyber bullying spreads like a virus. This video is relatable because teens use TBH to inslut other people and make them feel like trash. Now that technology is something we are addicted to it making it easier for teenagers to cyber bully. This video should be shown to every school in the dictrict because its brings a powerful message and teens can come to realization that cyber bullying is wrong and may lead to suicide.

  12. The video shows how cyber bullying can impact one's life even to the point of suicide. It gives the viewer perceptive of what victims of cyber bullying goes through. It inspired me to stand up against cyber bullying.

  13. I picked this video because this is basically things that are going on now and i wanted everyone to know how far someone can go with just a couple of words they can make someone life so miserable . This shouldn't going on with teens a lot of teens go to t he extreme with things like this and i just feel like someone should do something about it and stop the cyber bullying ...

  14. Cyber Bullying is wrong and those who partake in it are disgusting human beings. People love to put others down just to make themselves feel better because they're insecure about their own self. Social Media such as Facebook, twitter, and instagram make it simple for cyber bullying to take place. If these things were heavily monitored by parents and or makers then it could be brought to a minimum. You think it's cool and funny until you become the victim.
