Friday, September 26, 2014


MORNING REFLECTION: Ms. Gamzon  Piano Guys "Titanium"



  1. I think it's interesting to see a classic take on new things, and vice versa, especially in music. It is really amazing that they film those videos in such beautiful and breathtaking locations. It must be a lot of work, but by the way they play and the expressions on their face, it must be worth it.

  2. Gee WIZ that was mega cool. I like how they played in different locations. I think the setting totally help the song sound better, you know what I mean? I liked how enthusiastic the cello guy was and how boring the piano guy was.I am not musically talented in any way shape or form BUT I can still appreciate the music.

  3. I really enjoyed this video because I've been an avid piano player since I was eight years old. I love playing and listening to piano music especially when you see someone with as much passion as him play it. I know how difficult it is to play piano especially at the speed he was doing it at and especially when you're covering someone else's work and putting your own spin on it. The cello was amazing and inspiring as well but the piano just spoke to me more due to its personal connection to me. I feel both men are very talented and entertaining.

  4. I thought the music was phenomenal! I enjoy to see people happy ding what they love best and it brings me joy to see them strumming and jamming on the keys. I give the piano guys much respect because they were very creative with their scenery. They also told a story without words but with their music. I wish to see more talented and dream driven people doing what they do best!

  5. The places that they recorded at were incredible and you can tell they have a real passion for what they do. Very inspiring.

  6. I think that the morning reflection was very nice. The pianoguys were very creative, and I know that it took along time to memorize the song. I also think they are courageous because they played their instrument on mountains and dangerous places.

  7. The music video was amazingly beautiful. You can see how passionate they get when playing and their talent shows with this song. It's crazy what you can do with instruments.

  8. This video for morning reflection was so powerful! The music and scenery was very uplifting. It never fails to amaze me what the power of art and passion combined can create. The facial expression of both men truly portrayed how much they love what they do and that is beautiful!

  9. The video that Ms. Gamzon showed was really cool and inspiring. The fact that they genuinely loved what they were doing is a great thing to see. The two were very talented and their musical styles blended extremely well.

  10. While I was listening to the piano guys, I could hear the words playing in my head. it's pretty amazing how the brain works. When you stare at something blank and colorless long enough, with radio static, you will start tripping; or so I am told. the brain isn't used to seeing and hearing nothing so it creates its own noises and colored shapes. I wonder if listening to instrumental, and knowing the words, does the same kind of thing.

  11. I really enjoyed this morning reflection, it was very entertaining. I really love music, and im always listening to music. I liked how they took a popular song, and did it instrumental. I also liked all the different scenes, and the backgrounds. They are really talented, and showed so much passion.

  12. I like music. I believe it is very powerful and beautiful in every genre but I need something more upbeat something that makes you think more. For instance I believe Lana Del Ray is a beautiful singer with great voice and intellectual things to say but I just can't listen to her.

  13. I have always enjoy seeing good covers of songs I like on YouTube.The overall scale of the video was phenomenal. The original song was an old favorite of mine, and this cover was exceptional in its revision of the song. The cinematography were what truly made the video. The pacing of the song combined with the visuals helped to create a very inspirational production. Its fun to see talented people like this take pride in their talents to make impressive works such as these.
