Thursday, October 31, 2019

Flash Fiction stories/Study guides/ end of marking period


Morning Reflection: Aalaysia

Writing and Reading: Flash fiction stories DUE MONDAY and study guides DUE today;  all missing week DUE  for end of marking period!

Contests: Extra Credit---Hollins and Bennington

Next Week: Monday, we will begin Rita Dove and poetry


  1. I chose this because I like the way he speaks and he talks about real stuff that happens in the world. All my school experience I've been learning about white people so I like that hes black and has the words that white people have but better.

    1. What specifically about the message and content of the video? What's his point?

  2. I loved the video it was so good and I think it had truth that a lot of people don't want to accept. The man who was speaking in the video explained that majority of our lives will be spent at work. It's important to do our best to be happy at work because being unhappy at a place that we spend majority of the time can make people feel very down and even make some people "sick". I think he really got the point across with the story (anecdote?) about Jae. Good video I liked it

    1. Good response. He did speak about happiness at work.

  3. I liked this video a lot. He taught me and inspired me. He inspired me when he said the key to basically living long is to be happy. He said when your happy you make more money. The part about heart attacks he actually taught me. I didn't know that a lot of people that have heart attacks in the morning as early as 8 o'clock and on Mondays.

    1. Yes. That's interesting. Monday mornings are often stressful because a lot of poeple do not want to go back to work.

  4. I think about the future and how my life is wasting away a lot, because everyone does. I'm trying to balance my work life out more and that seems to be improving, but only slightly. It's hard to change when you're stuck in a habit. Moving away from that, I liked how Prince Ea turned "Week days" into "Weak Daze" that was really creative and strengthened his argument. Good video.

  5. I enjoyed the video, but it also made me a bit nervous as well which is probably a good thing because I want even more not to fall into the rabbit hole that depression from life sucks many people into. He emphasizes that is not just the right choice to be happy, but how it is our duty, and this is a message anyone of any age can do.

  6. It makes me extremely anxious as to how Prince Ea emphasizes how I need to stop wasting time because then I'm worry about wasting my time not focusing on important things in life life happiness. However, I do agree that happiness is one major key into balancing out things such as life and work in life. It wasn't surprising to learn that people who are pessimist are least likely to live longer than optimist. Someone who focuses on the negative aspects of life a lot, do tend to be weighed down by unhappiness and that translates into their entire life as a whole. Although, I do agree with most of the things he says about finding a job you love or put more love into your job; I still think it's a lot easier to say than to actually do because managing life isn't necessarily easy for a lot of people.

    1. Yes. Balancing things in life can be a challenge!

  7. I loved the video because it showed that even if we are having a good pay etc. We can still be unhappy. According to a Harvard professor that did a study on happines the happier you are the more you excell. Also in the video he was saying how we shouldnt be and then people. When he says that he is refering to the people who say i just have to acomplish something AND THEN ill be happy. Life is short so dont spend it being unhappy.

    1. Good response. Yes. happy people tend to excel.

  8. I think that this video sends a wrong message. Not everyone is privileged enough to find work that fulfills them and if we are under the illusion that our wholes lives are supposed to be happy, we will constantly feel like we are failing. I get what he means about not wasting your life because it is short, however, I think that better message would be to learn how to deal with the ups and the downs and accept that life isn't always perfect. Also, to learn how to make the most of the bad times and appreciate what we do have.

    I wasn't a fan of the visuals of this video. I thought they were trying too hard. I didn't understand some of what was happening like that rats, or the coffee in the IV.

    1. Yes. A more positive message about finding fulfillment would have made this more effective.

  9. That video is so depressing. The message I got from it was that work sucks and that happiness is more important. I think it is wrong to spread the message to young impressionable teenagers that already have a bad image of what work is supposedly like. It is not very inspiring, and I feel unmotivated to get a job. He also uses weird language manipulation like "instead of work/life balance it should be life/work balance" which makes no sense to me. Also, everyone looked like zombies and I don't know why they were nurses but also in an office. He is a very good speaker but he needs better subject matter. Also he referenced Fortnite and life being a video game which is very cliche.

  10. Thanks! This is refreshing---"work with a passion" is not WORK. It is what gives meaning.

  11. I liked the video because it talked about the real feeling of working all you life, especially if you don't like it. It also talked about how you have to be happy doing what you do because if you are not, you will not be happy of going to work everyday. Also, he said that people who think positive live longer than pessimists. He also said that you will most likely make more money doing what you like because you will be better at it.

  12. Unpopular opinion, I actually liked this video. I felt like I could relate to some of the points he was making, I often think that when I finish high school and go onto college THEN I'll be happy. This video taught me that I can't spend my life expecting to find happiness suddenly or depend my happiness on something. If I want to be happy only I can make myself feel that. I can understand why some found it to be depressing or negative but I think if you focused on the message of the video you would've liked it more.

  13. This video was motivating and inspiring - to kids at least. I guess some people can relate to Prince Ea but I don't relate to him. I could understand him, and actually liked what he said about people saying "...I have more time...". But being realist, I try found so many mistakes. The video makes any kind of work, if you like t or not, suffering and a struggle. I really didn't like it when he said LIFE should be before work and if you have a good life, you're going to have a good work life. This made no sense because if you have a GOOD work, you're going to have a HAPPY life. If you want to have a happy life, you need a job that you actually appreciate. Prince Ea makes a lot of video but some of the video doesn't always makes sense. This video is one of the ones. One of the flaws was the main graph they showed of Happiness vs. Creativity. They put the x-axis as Creativity when Happiness should have been the x-axis because they literally said creativity changes when happiness changes. I didn't like this video.
