Monday, May 4, 2015

The Hours (cont.)


Continue to work on your motif projects

Discuss and post responses to these new questions:

1. How does war, specifically World War I and World War II, shape the perspectives of the characters in the book?
2. What significance do domestic objects have? Who relies the most on domestic objects for comfort?
3. How does memory function in the Clarissa sections of the book? Is she fully content with the choices that she has made?
4. How does reading Mrs. Dalloway affect Laura?
5. Does Cunningham’s formal device of mirroring Clarissa Vaughn’s life on Woolf’s Clarissa Dalloway make Clarissa Vaughn’s character believable, or does the choice seem like a gimmick?

NY Times Book Review:

Work on Study guide #1 for credit


  1. 1. War makes the characters more optimistic about life and the things going on. The time of darkness makes people often have a more open mind and more creative to forget their turmoil.
    3. Clarissa often regrets her choices since she believe her life could have been so better.
    4.When Laura reads Mrs. Dalloway she is in awe since their lives have so much in common but in different terms.

  2. 1.Well most of the characters were alive during the period of World War I and World War II. The change and progression of society as time went on kind of confused the characters. This is because in the early 1900s men had a role and women had a role but as society changed during World War II and women began to get jobs in order to support the effort the gender roles meshed and the roles were broken down.
    3. Clarissa questions herself with the choices she has made. She is not really sure of herself in the way of how she chooses to do certain things.
    4. I believe it causes her to breakdown mentally and ultimately gives her the idea to commit suicide. It allows her to sulk in her self-proclaimed hard life.
    5. I believe it makes Clarissa more believable because then it seems like more than just one person can go through the same struggle.
