Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Hours cont.

AGENDA: For Wed. and Friday

Hours video

Blog post:  Finish discussion questions
Reading: Finish the book for Friday (over the weekend APers)

Continue to work on Hours projects


  1. 1. I don’t think Clarissa wasn’t a normal woman because of her mentality and how she lived with herself. She always created a very glum atmosphere because of her negative outlooks on life. It is obvious throughout the linear show of the movie and her life, she is very discontent and goes about things differently than an ordinary woman would. Overall, she just didn’t have the urge and the want to live.
    2. Flowers show a sense of symbolism; in a use that woman can have a way to hid their feelings and direct attitude toward life and there situation. In most cases, the flowers are used to hide feeling between all the female’s feminine emotions. Although flowers are used frequently and are very symbolic for different reasons, they all have the same motives.
    3. Each character has a unique way of showing there sane. For example, some hear voices, others are severely living in a world where there mind constantly fights their emotions and tends to make them live days where they be weakened and consider ending their lives, for example.
    4. Author tries to imply that no matter how different you try to be in life, you will always be seen through the choice of whoever’s lenses. This means that you can try to make a positive impression, seek change in your attitude and actions, but people will always see you based off of what they feel towards you or how they think about you.
    5. At times it can be hard for a person with an emotional disorder and depression with negative outlooks to continue on in life as an ordinary person. It can be extremely hard and a battle between mind and heart and , surprisingly, as hard as somebody may try to see that person’s point of view, only that person knows the unexplainable battle they fight with themselves in their everyday life.
    6. When Richard kisses Clarissa, it proves that he actually does have a sense of love and affection towards her; even though as an outside point of view, it may not have seem so to us or her as well.

  2. 1. Clarissa was not suicidal. But the fact that she surrounded herself in such dark atmospheres she became depressed and felt as though she has no importance.
    2. Flowers was a way the woman symbolize their emotions and feelings towards people and the outside. But since the women hide their feelings its a sense of irony when the flowers are presented. but this is still the same motif as the characters switched over.
    3. Personally I think that the characters have skitzo. That's because they constantly hear voices and battle with decisions forgetting that the outside world exist as hey are stuck within the boundaries of their mind.
