Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thank you

I just wanted to post a "thank you" to all of you as a class. You probably did not know today that I gave you college level material as writers during this class.  Yet, tropes and memes are really something you understand. Writers know how to put in the "good stuff" for their genres.

You were "real" Creative Writing majors (that means the  pride of SOTA as a school), and I'm so proud of you.

Please, despite the "spoilers" in the post, continue to check out this blog post and bookmark  It's a great website for ideas about genres and will help you with what will be the "Bloodsucking Fiends" final assessment---see the next post (since you asked)! This website will be a great resource throughout the year. Remember, we're reading to pick up on conventions, tropes, cliches, and what readers love to read in our fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction this year.  How do the "pros" do it and how do just those of us who love to write make it part of our lives?

 Please realize that when you all stay on task, provide a learning environment for everyone (and in creative writing that means quiet time) and contribute to the discussions and activities in class you all grow as learners. I am grateful that you all are taking these self-monitoring measures to heart. No one in the class should make it difficult to write  for others.  We all have our challenges.  I, too, would love to have writing time with you to work on a poem or other project of my own--possibly something you can  edit for me!
Thank you for self-monitoring as high school students in a class. 
Everyone has good and bad days.  Let's hope the good outweigh the bad.

Many of you will not see this message if you don't check the blog.  I'm hoping Imani Gunner (please respond for some credit to let me know you're there) will see this message and RESPOND.  We are going to miss Imani for a short period of time, but she will be back and join us.  Just keep up with the blog posts.  Read the books and do the assignments. Posts your thoughts in the comments!  That's how I will
know you are keeping up with the work and grade you appropriately, Imani.

There is so much to learn CW juniors!  You thought you might have chosen the "easiest" major in 6th grade,but you actually chose one of the hardest.  Still, you have not let us down.  Keep striving.
We're behind you 100% . Make us proud on graduation day!

I keep learning and so should you., because I learn from you and you learn from me (I hope!). Keep teaching me.(And the hint for extra credit is how many of you check the blog and actually respond to this post).

Ms. Gamzon

Early in my college career, I was given the phrase "try to be a lifelong learner."  It stuck with me, and that is what I've tried to become as a teacher and student throughout my life.  I've lived so many more years than you have, but I'm still learning, pursuing my curiosity (the hallmark of a learner), and I hope you will do this, too, when you leave SOTA.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Ms. Gamzon, I'm still here. Thank you for that lovely message. I've also been keeping up with the assignments. To bad I'll be missing the morning reflections, and the fun times and laughs ya'll have in class. Thank you for thinking about me Ms. Gamzon and (most) of my fellow class mates. I really miss ya'll.
