Monday, March 12, 2012

In the Lake of the Woods

Final quiz:

Respond to the following essay question with your own interpretation of the ending of the novel.  Use text-based examples and quotes to support your hypothesis.

Each of this novel's hypotheses about events at the cabin begins with speculation but gradually comes to resemble certainty. The narrator suggests that John and Kathy Wade are ultimately unknowable, as well; that any attempt to "penetrate...those leaden walls that encase the human spirit" can never be anything but provisional. Seen in this light, In the Lake of the Woods comes to resemble a magician's trick, in which every assertion turns out to be only another speculation. Given the information we receive, does any hypothesis about what happened at Lake of the Woods seem more plausible than the others? With what certainties, if any, does this novel leave us?   

Also, if you have not been keeping up with the news, read this article:

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