Friday, April 17, 2020

Grades MP3 and starting MP4

I hope you are doing well.  I am so sorry your junior year has been so cruelly affected like this. Please know that I miss you so much.

The marking period ends today, but I still can accept missing work and extra credit assignments for this marking for one more week. Hooray!
Grades will be calculated on all your assigned work turned in (or not) by March 13.

IMPORTANT: I am giving a 10/10 for any and all blog posts for reading and writing assignments after that date.
PLEASE, please take advantage of this and post on the blog or in Google classroom as appropriate.
You will be happy you did! Your grade will be raised a lot! Email me and let me know what you post.

Marking Period 4 begins on Monday and I will be posting new reading and writing assignments.  I also want to have Zoom meetings to share our thoughts and writings, maybe once a week.  Let me know when you are available, or I'll just schedule a meeting, invite you and see who shows up!

Stay well...let me know if you have questions or concerns.  You can chat with each other on Google Classroom, too!

1 comment:

  1. I emailed you about the free writing assignment a while age but I don't know if it was sent to the wrong email or not. Anyway, thanks Gamzon.
