Friday, November 30, 2018



Upload your submission.  Print out your submission form and get it signed by parent/guardian over the weekend.  Return form on Monday!

POETRY CYCLES:  Make sure your completed poetry cycle is uploaded to Google Classroom

PRAYER FOR THE DYING:  Finish reading for Tuesday. There will be an open book essay test on the book on Tuesday--more practice with literary analysis using MLA citation.  You may want to post-it note key sections of the book to refer to.

Post a response to these questions and questions 1-4 from previous post.

5. Jacob is a veteran of the Civil War. How does his experience there affect the way he behaves in the crisis in Friendship? How did the war change him?
6. How would you describe the relationship between Jacob and Doc? How do their different ideas about the world lead to different strategies for handling the outbreak in Friendship?
7. How does Jacob’s relationship with Marta affect his behavior in the outbreak? How do his priorities as a father and husband conflict with his responsibility to the town?

NEXT WRITING ASSIGNMENT: A short story using second person POV (at least 4 pages).  These stories have proved to be potential Sokol contest winners in past years.  Second person POV is hard to write, but can be very effective and dramatic.   You might want to take a look at some past SOKOL
winners from our school.


  1. 5. The war causes Jacob to behave detachedly and in some ways more logical and in others haphazardly. Because he becomes accustomed to death and devastation in war, he does not let his feelings control him when people try to fight the quarantine, however, he also behaves carelessly in his treatment of the dead as he exercises little caution.

    6. Doc and Jacob's relationship is more facilitated by a common goal tha mutual friendship. While they don't share a similar world view, the two don't dislike each other, rather they both respect the others' authority and servitude. Still, they each take different approaches to the situation in friendship. While Doc believes extreme caution should be taken around the dead, due to his medical expertise, Jacob doesn't follow this sentiment as he is accustomed to death and sickness. Similarly, while Doc wants to try and prevent panic from spreading throughout the town and initially condemns spreading news of the disease, Jacob, who is used to the hysteria of warfare, believes the people should be made aware immediately.

    7. Jacob tries to let his relationship with Marta affect his behavior during the outbreak as little as possible, however, upon her passing, it leads him to the point of insanity. His priorities as father and husband conflict with his responsibility to the town because he desires to be home with Marta and Amelia, especially when they become sick, but he begrudgingly opts to fulfill his professional duties rather than stay home.

  2. 5. The war causes Jacob to behave reserved and withdraw from the outside world. In some ways more careless and aware. he does not let his feelings control him. however, he also behaves carelessly in his treatment.

    7. Jacob doesn’t want his relationship with marta affect his behavior in any way , however, her death it leads him to the point of insanity or craziness.He desires to be home with Marta and Amelia when they become sick, which takes over his responsibilities as a father.

  3. 5) His experiences as a war veteran affect the way he perceives death. He is careless when treating sick, or dead individuals since he believes that they will get over it with time. This is a reckless mistake, given the circumstances of Friendship.

    6) The relationship between Jacob and Doc are not based on friendly terms, rather on a professional basis. They are acquaintances due to the crisis in Friendship, helping each other out by identifying the disease in different parts of the town and Doc dealing with the patients after. Their different views on the world affects their strategies when handling the outbreak since Jacob is exposed to the war while Doc has not. Jacob wants the public to know immediately about the crisis so that they can evacuate with little regard to public reaction. Doc, on the other hand, considers public reaction and advises against exposing the situation.

    7) Jacob's relationship with Marta is one of true love. She is similar to a sanctuary in a dark time, because he retreats back to her when the town is losing faith in him. This affects his behavior in the outbreak because he completely loses himself psychologically. He needs someone to be there for him rather than deal with everything alone. This is why he treats her as alive when she is deceased. His priorities as a father/husband conflict with his responsibility of the town because he does his job while his family is sick. He knows they are dying, but does not stay home for them (even though he contemplates the idea). His prioritization of his duties over the welfare of Marta and Amelia are very telling of the person he is.

  4. 5. Jacob is a veteran of the Civil War. How does his experience there affect the way he behaves in the crisis in Friendship? How did the war change him?

    - Jacob's experience within war sort of makes him accustomed to death, and makes him nonchalant in the treatment of patients and the handling of illnesses and deaths because he was so used to it, and therefore detached himself from it.

    6. How would you describe the relationship between Jacob and Doc? How do their different ideas about the world lead to different strategies for handling the outbreak in Friendship?

    - Doc and Jacob both have the common goal of helping within Friendship as it goes into crisis. Their different views on the world makes them handle the outbreak and outbreak patients differently. Both with Jacob's religious views and military background he wants to do what's "right", he wants to try to save people, and inform people to allow them to be prepared, but Doc, as a doctor is more discreet and more cautious in his handling.

    7. How does Jacob’s relationship with Marta affect his behavior in the outbreak? How do his priorities as a father and husband conflict with his responsibility to the town?

    - Jacob's relationship with Marta affects his behavior in the outbreak because she is sort of his peace in a chaotic time, someone he comes back to after a days struggle in a way, and even when she dies she still holds that position. His priorities as a father/husband conflict with his responsibility of the town because he wants to be with his family at their time of need, but because he is a virtuous man and a man of duty he holds to his responsibility to the greater good of the whole population, which I would imagine hit him hard.

  5. 5) Jacob's war experiences have made somewhat reckless when it comes to the dead and sick. He's had so much experience with sick soldiers, and dead soldiers that their presence has little effect on him.

    6) The relationship between Jacob and Doc is more of a formal one. they both have a job to do and they both want, need, to get it done. However their different views have a tendency to get in the way. While Doc tries to handle the situation with professionalism, Jacob feels the need to handle with morality.

    7) Marta is what Jacob clings to, he needs in order to stay. So much so that even after she passes he is unable to let her go. however as the town id dependent on him more than ever now he has life time for his wife and daughter.

  6. 5. Jacob is a veteran of the Civil War. How does his experience there affect the way he behaves in the crisis in Friendship? How did the war change him?

    His experience from the war makes him much more aware of his surrounding and ready to face danger, but his mentality will be stuck as if he were still in the Civil War.

    6. How would you describe the relationship between Jacob and Doc? How do their different ideas about the world lead to different strategies for handling the outbreak in Friendship?

    Jacob and Doc's relationship is somewhat strained. With Jacob thinking that he has to do everything in the town since he's sheriff, undertaker and the priest, his sense of responsibility is overbearing to Doc.

    7. How does Jacob’s relationship with Marta affect his behavior in the outbreak? How do his priorities as a father and husband conflict with his responsibility to the town?

    Jacob's relationship with Marta is a weird one. They'll argue for a little bit, then they'll ignore each other, then they'll go back to normal. It gives him a more personal reason to take more responsibility.
