Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Looking Ahead--Christopher Moore Bloodsucking Fiends


Bellwork: Practice PSAT Writing Questions

Turn in missing work!!! (you know who you are---POV short stories)

1. Return Mudbound, go down to library for Bloodsucking Fiends

2. HMWK for Wednesday:  Read through Ch. 10 (pg. 73) in Bloodsucking Fiends

Christopher Moore on Vampires and Writing

Read and respond with a comment to Christopher Moore interview.  What is your experience with contemporary vampire fiction?  Classical vampire fiction (Dracula)? Have you read Twilight or any Anne Rice?

TV tropes

Vampire Tropes

  1. 1.
    a figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression.

    "he used the two-Americas trope to explain how a nation free and democratic at home could act wantonly abroad"
  1. 1.
    create a trope.



Read first chapter online:

Watch the following videos and the videos on the video bar.


  1. Personally, I have delved into the vampire fiction world via the Twilight Saga. However, that phase is long gone and over, and I sense that the vampire frenzy is subsiding. To be completely honest, I am not looking forward to this novel because it does not interest me, but I will complete my tasks as asked of me.

  2. My thoughts on the video that was displayed today are, neutral. I, for one, do not enjoy vampire movies or cliche; I never have. But from what I saw today and the knowledge I already have, I probably won't enjoy reading this book, I've never enjoyed these type of book/ movies. Unfortunately

    1. You,too, give the book a chance! We need to recognize what goes in to writing comedy.

  3. i've never written a story about a vampire so i don't have much experience but twilight basically ruined vampire books for me so i can't read any without cringing. its always some weird love story and its one of my least favorite themes if not my least favorite. vampire books are 99% a romance themed novel (i said 99% cuz every vampire book 'ive read has to do with love but im sure there are some childrens books LOL) i have read twilight but not any anne rice, and i don't plan on reading any anytime soon

    1. Okay. This book also is about satire and comedy!

  4. I don't know a lot of vampire fiction, and I haven't really seen a lot of vampire films, the only ones I have seen is the Twilight series, but I think Christopher Moore's depiction of vampires in a humorous sense distinguishes him from typical vampire fiction being that most is based on horror or romance, but none of which base on comedy, and so by doing that he creates a whole new vibe for the genre of vampire fiction, appealing to a differing audience of those looking to laugh rather than those looking to be spooked, and I find that interesting and cool to put a spin on a classic idea.

    1. It really is a silly book with a serious theme.

  5. i've never been into vampire stuff like not during the twilight era not now. the only book ive read with vampires in it was the mortal instruments and i've forgotten like 90% of what i read in that (bc i read it in like 6th grade and since middle school i've given up on YA fiction)

  6. He did a great job with picking something new for the vampire topic which is most often unoriginal. Since he didn't know much about the scientific process of vampires, I think it was a good creative choice to put that into the character.

    1. Christopher Moore is very original and tackles everything that he can irreverently in his writings.

  7. Contemporary vampire fiction often contain elements of romance and are geared towards preteen audiences. Like Moore said, they tend to have a bad-ass character. Most of them also follow a lot of tropes and have a certain set of rules for how a vampire can be killed. Classical vampire fiction tends to stick more closely to elements of horror. I have not read twilight or Anne Rice.

  8. I read only one vampire series in my life and stopped after book two because the series is too long. It's The Last Vampire series by Christopher Pike and it's nothing groundbreaking. It just takes vampire elements and uses the tropes extensively, with a religious component to it as well. It's enjoyable but that's all there is to it. I've never read Twilight or Anne Rice. Well, I read the first chapter out loud to my friend who loves Twilight but that's it. I don't remember what it was about. Vampire fiction tries too hard to be romantic and dark at the same time, and it fails since I find it cringy. However, I'll give Christopher Moore a chance.

    1. You might enjoy the silly comedy in this book along with some touching moemnts.

  9. Im not into the whole vampire stuff, I never actually wrote anything like it. I did read the twilight books and hated them. I think Christopher Moore has a good idea on how to combine science fiction with romance and horror but also add comedy as well. I find it interesting and think its going to be a good story.

  10. Unfortunately, I have read Twilight and seen the movies. I've wasted years I could never get back. All of the cringy moments and all of those cringy fan-girls. All of my precious youth, wasted on such horrid and disgusting fan-fiction.

  11. I've seen a lot of vampire books and vampire TV shows. I know a lot about mythological creatures. I've only really read the first Twilight book but I've seen every single twilight movie, I practically own every Twilight movie.

  12. Unfortunately I have read some Twilight as well as seen the movies. Personally, and I thought I would never says this, I actually enjoyed the movies more than the books. I feel like the concept was better than the actual execution of it. However since Christopher Moore is actually trying to make this a comedy.

  13. Christopher Moore's take on the vampire genre is an entirely different spin from the other bodies of work. Instead of a horror fiction or romance fiction, or a combination of the two he's going down the comedy route. However, for me, I don't think I can see myself writing anything vampire related. The genre is dead to me.
