Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thomas and Beulah--Canary in Bloom


Morning reflection: Andrea

Continue viewing Thomas and Beulah---ESSAY TEST ON MONDAY (Go over handout!)

WRITING: Work on poetry cycles


  1. I knew all of this already due to countless hours as a child reading books on animals, but it was neat to see footage of a baby giant panda, I suppose.

  2. Pandas are very unique creatures. It is sad that there are so few left. The video was very interesting.

  3. I think pandas are adorable and I find it amazing how independent they become so quickly. Where as for people we stay with our parents until we are of legal age. It's just really interesting how differently things are for humans and animals.

  4. This was very interesting video. I didn't know much about Pandas, but this video really allowed me to get a glance at what they do, their habitats, and their babies. Nature is very inspirational for a writer and we can use it in our stories, poems, and plays in many ways. This video has inspired me to maybe in the future, create a story where the setting might be in China near the Pandas. I think about the pandas in the zoo's and how sometimes they don't get to experience their natural wildlife, and how it has a great effect on their life.

  5. Thank you for showing this video. I sit up at night wondering "what's going on in the life of pandas?" This video showed me everything I longed to see and that is a panda holding its newborn. I feel like I have been given a new reason to live, this has changed my life.

  6. Pandas are one of the animals that I think should definitely be kept in zoos because they're so rare and their habitats are being destroyed. They're also more vulnerable to being poached and sold and more effort should be put into saving their habitats.

  7. Pandas! Too cute...and yet it is important to see what exists in the wild and National Geographic is always so informative. That rare shot of the giant panda mother and her baby was touching.
    How many amazing species exist in this world that have similar behaviors to humans. We think we are so special, but are we really? We have some of the "best" instincts of animals and certainly some of the "worst" instincts.

  8. This is really informational because we don't really learn this much about Pandas. We may see them in zoos, but we never get to see their natural habitat. I got to know what they eat and how they spend their entire day eating and sleeping. It's very interesting to see how they live their lives.

  9. Super cool to see a baby panda, I don't know if anyone else may agree but to me pandas all look "man made". There color scheme, innate sense of passivity, though these animals have had little human interference.

  10. I don't know how I feel about this video. It wasn't really interesting, I wouldn't watch this on my free time. Pandas aren't my thing. They aren't special in my eyes.

  11. I choose this video because I like pandas. I found it interesting that they eat for 14 hours and the rest of the time sleeping. There are only 1600 pandas in the wild, which isn't a lot. They need to be protected because they are endangered.

  12. I knew most of the things about panda because when I was younger I watched Animal Planet all the time. It's cool to see animals in their natural habit though and not just in zoos. Emani and I were saying it's weird to think about just seeing a panda in the wild. For us seeing things like deer and squirrels is normal but I can't imagine seeing a panda just walking around the woods. When my cousins came to visit from Kauai they were blown away by the sight of a chipmunk but then they talk about how chickens just walk around the island and geckos are always hanging onto their windows and that's strange to me.
    I guess the video just made me think about how seeing an animal in a zoo is completely different then when you see them in their own habitat.

  13. I've noticed in how lots of the animal videos I watch, the topic about animals habitats being extinct seems to be brought up a lot. This isn't something everyone really thinks about so it's cool to watch videos like these and find out more about the animals that are on the list to being extinct. It's interesting that the reason most of them are, is because of us coming into their environment and messing things up.

  14. This video was interesting because I got to learn more about Pandas that I didn't know. It's also interesting to see that them being held in captivity is seen as beneficial. Usually you see that it's the opposite like the shark video we watched.
