Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Writing prompts ala Natalie Goldberg

For 10 minutes, write about anything and everything that does not concern you.  Air out your brain.

Write about a place you haven't lived.

Write about a place you are most afraid to go to.

What have you held onto too long?  Write about it 10 minutes--go.

Write about your aches--not just physical--emotional as well.  Goldberg:   "How trees ache and trucks, how history, country, mountain, war ache.  How bicycles ache, how roads ache, how you ache for a town and a sea, and how the sea and town also ache for you.  How you know there is something else, somewhere else, someone else. how you also know it' right here and you can't touch it.  How the very earth is groaning, reaching out to the sun."

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