Monday, February 27, 2012

Historical Fiction Assignment

Historical Fiction Assignment

Both In the Lake of the Woods and The Madonnas of Leningrad are examples of historical fiction.  Your final assignment for this marking period will be a short story of significant length that uses a setting, some characters and an interesting background from history.   You will have to research this project once you decide upon an idea for your story.  Please work on something that fascinates you--a period of history you would like to learn more about.  Save the links to your research as you work on this project.

How to Write Historical Fiction

How to Write Historical Fiction
By an eHow Contributor

Write Historical Fiction
You have a great idea for a story, but it's set in the Civil War, or perhaps during the Renaissance. The result is a work of historical fiction. Historical fiction mixes fact with fiction to make an historical event, person or place more interesting to readers. It takes research and patience to write historical fiction, but once you have the facts straight, let your imagination soar.

Read more: How to Write Historical Fiction |

1. 1
Pick a topic. Choose an historical event, person or place, or perhaps all three, that you wish to write about. Create your story line around that topic.
2. 2
Conduct research into the historical elements of your story. Go to your local library or search online. Make note of language, style of dress, types of transportation and other details about the time period or era.
3. 3
Read other works of historical fiction. See what's been done before, and how. Don't plagiarize, but get a sense of how historical fiction is written.
4. 4
Create an outline of your story while doing your research. Form the story in your mind, create characters and scenes, but hold off on writing until you are as familiar with the time era in which the story takes place as you can possibly be.
5. 5
Write your story. Merge fact and fiction. Bring emotion to the factual aspects of the history depicted in the story. However, never lose the importance of the facts. Use just enough information to stress the historical time period, but let the characters and story rule

Read more: How to Write Historical Fiction |

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