Thursday, September 30, 2010

Week of 9/28 and 9/30

View the end of Fugitive Pieces (Tuesday).

Continue to work on short stories. Due next week--Oct. 6.

Check out Christopher Moore's website (see link). Pick up Bloodsucking Fiends.

Amadeus on Thursday: Research vampire lore. Go to Post a comment reflecting what you learned about vampires!

HMWK: For Monday, read through Ch. 8 (pg. 60) or further


  1. Vampires were originally used in old times to explain the unexplainable, such as mysterious murders or horrific disaster. Surprisingly, vampires then were also basically sex symbols, except having to do with the spread of diseases rather than the typical "OMGMUSTHITTHAT" craze that seems to be going around lately.

    With the coming of contemporary times, vampires have once again become popular with the masses. Shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and True Blood depict vampires as the same evil beast of the night, though, with human characteristics.

  2. Before I ever heard about Twilight, I always thought that vampires only came out at night, were immortal, and you could only become a vampire if you were bit by one. Also, the only way you could kill a vampire is by stake, decapitating, drowning, or setting them on fire. You could not see them in mirrors, or pictures, and that they are extremely ugly.
    But now, many things have changed about vampires. According to Stephanie Meyer, vampires now sparkle in the sunlight, and have feelings for humans. In Twilight, the only way you can truly kill a vampire is by ripping them to shreds, and burning them. Also, they don't have fangs, and can be seen in mirrors, and pictures. The vampires also have unnatural strength, senses, healing, and speed.
    In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, many of the vampires are just like the vampires in Twilight. But in Buffy, the vampires are not fertile, and they only transform during transfusion.

    But in many vampire things, there are always more supernatural creature than vampires.

    Oh, and one more thing. There are social networking sites for real vampires. OH NOOOO!!!!

  3. -The first appearance of the word "vampire" in English was seen in 1734 in a travelogue "Travels of Three English Gentlemen" published in 1745.

    -There are many stereotyped traits about vampires such as their fangs, sleep in coffins, and can be killed by a stake through the heart or burn from the sunlight.

    -There are many theories for how vampires originated. Premature burial, which means a human or animal is buried alive, is one theory people believe is a cause for the belief of vampires.

  4. Ledibel Rivera

    The term vampire was not popularized until the early 18th century, after an influx of vampire superstition into Western Europe from areas where vampire legends were frequent, such as the Balkans and Eastern Europe. This increased level of vampire superstition in Europe led to mass hysteria and in some cases resulted in corpses actually being staked and people being accused of vampirism.

    Vampires have become very popular in this time due to shows,books, and movies such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer ,True Blood, The Twilight series, The Vampire Diaries. Vampires are myths and folklore. Vampires are creatures that feed off of blood on living and non living beings. They are creatures that can not go into the sun and they can not be seen in mirrors. Vampires are creatures that are portrayed as a costume during Halloween.

  5. Vampires have been talked about for centuries, and stories have been passed on from generation to generation. In some areas the beliefs in vampires have created such paranoia "public executions" were performed on anyone who was believed to be a vampire. I also learned about the common idea of a vampires' appearance; a vampire was assumed to be bloated in appearance and "ruddy, purplish or dark in color." ..weird.

  6. I never knew how much Rochester had to do with vampires. The places that we have gone to are Hunted. A south American superstition was that if the hung aloe vera backwards near or behind a door to ward of vampiric beings. Also it is said that wild rose and hawthorn plant are harmful to vampires. in Germany a lemon was placed in the mouth of a suspected vampire.Vampires are usually bloated in appearance, ruddy, purplish, dark in color this is due to recent blood drinking. Fangs were not usually a general feature. In Slavic and Chinese traditions a corpse that was jumped over by an animal, particular a dog or a cat was feared to become on of the undead. A body that was wounded and it was not taken care of was also a risk. Vampires are said to be people or witches that rebelled the Russian Orthodox Church.

  7. I found out that there are many "super natural" activity that takes place in Rochester. I found out that we are home to the "White Lady" Spectres which supposedly haunts Durand Eastman Park. I also found out that Garlic, a crucifix, rosary, and holy water are commonly used to ward off vampires. In Europe they believe that sprinkling mustard seed on the roof of your house protects it from vampires.I also learned that the idea of people rising from the dead can be from people being buried while being unconsciousness and not really dead.

  8. I learned that vampires not only prey on living creatures but also on the "undead" as well. Undead creatures appear to be living but are really dead. these are creatures such as ghosts. The myth of vampires started in Europe and some people believed in it so deeply that they began accusing people of vampirism and staking their graves in the eighteenth century. In 1819 the first vampire novel that sparked the interests of readers and began a long lasting vampire trend was "Vampyre" by John Polidori.

  9. I learned that vampires are so lame today compared to past iterations. Today they're all suave and glittery and fruity. Before it took annoying and tedious protection rituals to get rid of them, like placing eggs under your armpits. If you needed to make a quick getaway, you better hope you've got some freakin grain. Not to mention, if your household pet jumps over a corpse, that'll become an undead revenant. You'll know a vampire when you see him, because he'll have fangs, maybe pale skin, and he'll be obsessed with arithmetic. However, if they're pretending to be a corpse they'll have the exact opposite of pale skin. In conclusion, there are so many different versions and beliefs on vampires that have spawned from countless parts of the world.

  10. In the beginning vampires were almost always villains,in the early lore to the fiction of Brom Stoker. They were bloodthirsty monsters similar to the demons in religious canon. They were horrible demonic entities that stemmed from tragic circumstances or calamities.
    They were a personification of the fear and negative emotions swirling around certain people and events and the solidified into legends that transcend culture and time.
    Now vampires are tortures heroes, bad boys and stock characters in any fictional work with more than one mythical character. I cannot quite explain this phenomenon but it doesn't seem like it will ebb anytime soon.

  11. I learned that there are social networking sites for vampires.
    I also learned that vampires have a ton of different variations, and that there are many different ways to be diagnosed with vampirism. Tuberculosis was considered "consumption" at one point (an evil thing), and if feral cats or dogs jumped over a corpse the corpse would become vampiric. Vampires are also obsessed with arithmetic.

  12. Something that I learned about vampires is that they have been talked about for centuries all around the world in places such as China and Greece. I also came to realize that vampirism came about when one had an improper burial, suffered an abnormal death, or was born with things sush as a caul or a tail.

  13. I learned that vampires are believed to be real by some people. I also learned more of the characteristics of vampires such as how they burn when sunlight hits them, they hypnotize their pray before biting them, and their fear of garlic. I also learned that vampires were originally thought of as fearful creatures that were hated and hated everything. Now they are thought of to be loving somehow. Now a days vampires fall in love more often then they did back then.People tried to change the characteristics of vampires.

  14. I learned that vampires are blood sucking fiends , Vampires are undead or a living person . Vampires are also terrified by light . they are reanimated creatures that believes to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping people . Spirits tends to cause them harm , to innocent people so they bite them on the neck .

  15. Some of the things that I learned include:
    During Eastern Europe's 18th century "Age of Enlightenment", there was a multitude of vampire sightings and huntings. Beginning in Prussia in 1721 with the deaths of Peter Plogojowitz and Arnold Paole.
    Vampirism plays a huge role in the modern-day occultist movement.
    In 1985 biochemist David Dolphin suggests that vampires suffer from a rare blood disorder called porphyria. Vampires are deficient in haem so they crave it in human blood.
